IT トラベル 旅行 インタビュー スタートアップ 企業交流 イノベーション
BYYARD会員にインタビュー 第5弾
<Tryp.com 共同創業者・クラウドアーキテクト Victor Gram Thomsenさん>

Please introduce yourself
and your company!
"My name is Victor and I come from a family of fishermen and painters in Denmark. I am one of the co-founders of the travel tech startup 「Tryp.com」. My day-to-day role in the company is head of infrastructure, so pretty much a cloud architect for the most part. Aside from that, I am managing and leading our expansion venture into Japan.
「Tryp.com」 is offering an AI-driven inspirational travel engine which is unique in the way we encourage travel searches: We believe in starting with a wide and abstract search and then allowing users to narrow down the details that matter to them.
Our goal is to inspire travelers by introducing them to new and exciting locations they may not have heard of or considered. For instance, regions like Hokkaido in Japan may not receive as much Western tourism compared to popular destinations like Tokyo or Kyoto. However, through our platform, we can showcase the hidden gems of such locations and make them accessible and affordable.
By bringing more attention and revenue to these smaller economies, we aim to benefit both adventurers seeking unique experiences and the local communities. Our vision is to change the way people think about travel and provide them with seamless adventures while supporting local economies."
What has brought you and your start-up to Japan,
specifically to Sapporo, Hokkaido?
20歳の際、日本での1ヶ月バックパッキングを経験した後、私はいつか再び長期滞在したいと思うようになりました。色々と試行錯誤を繰り返していた時に、デンマーク最大のテックイベントである「TechBBQ Copenhagen」でで「Startup City Sapporo」に出会いました。彼らはスタートアップ企業を札幌に誘致しており、特に旅行技術のスタートアップ企業を積極的に探していました。そのご縁もあって、私は日本に移住することが出来ました。
"Growing up in the late '90s in the West I got exposed to a lot of Japanese pop culture, before I even knew that Japan was a country. So, there were just a lot of things that made me happy as a child; the things I loved doing all happened to have this common denominator of them being from Japan. I just felt drawn towards that.
Following a month of old-school backpacking through Japan, back then, at the ripe age of 20 years old, I decided that I want to come back here for longer at some point. After many failed attempts at doing so, at 「TechBBQ Copenhagen」, Denmark's biggest tech event, I bumped into 「Startup City Sapporo」, whom I owe all of this to. They were there looking for start-ups to come to Sapporo - specifically for travel tech start-ups - and helped me to finally relocate."
What made you decide to use a Free Desk in a Shared Office in the first place? For what reason have you chosen BYYARD?
"A shared office just made sense. As a start-up, we're obviously not rolling in money to pay for actual offices, so having all facilities there and ready to go in good condition is a big plus. Also, obviously, I'm the only person from our company that has relocated here, so I think I'd lose my mind in a small office just by myself. So, I kind of like that there are people around a community. You get to meet other entrepreneurs, you get to meet just other people with varying backgrounds and such. So, it's a mixture of convenience and also, it's fun being in those kinds of communal community contexts, I think.
I had a lot of people recommending that I go at least see BYYARD and see what's going on here. Obviously, I also decided to stay, and that was because I think the facilities here are really, really nice. It made me really happy to see the option to have a dual monitor setup. And there's free coffee too! No, I think it was, it is a cool shared office. It has everything that I need. It's a comfortable place to work. There are some cool people here as well, both on the management side and also on the user side. So yeah, it was a pretty easy choice."
How do you feel about your experience so far, actually using BYYARD?
"It's a place I'm happy to turn up. You work a lot as part of a start-up, that's part of the game. So, I need a place to work that I enjoy being, both physically and mentally. And BYYARD has delivered on both of those things. So, I've been really happy with it."
How would you like to use BYYARD in the future? What are your hopes and expectations of BYYARD?
"I think it would be so much fun to see BYYARD as a shared office space being this little hub of both Japanese entrepreneurs and also international entrepreneurs. So, we get this little melting pot of different companies and different people from different countries, all doing different things, but all of us being on this entrepreneurship journey with everything that entails, so that you can celebrate victories together and try and help each other succeed.
I also think that if you manage to break down a bit of the communication barriers between us and the local entrepreneurs, the start-up founders here from Japan, we can also bring something to them, some perspectives, ideas and thoughts, and the other way around. So, I think there's a beautiful potential for BYYARD becoming like a center of just a lot of cool people doing cool things and being there for each other while doing their own separate things but making each other better."
